Free Fire Pointer Blue Cursors at

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blobbieworld is an amazing world created by Silvermoon/ Kimolet, Duskriver, and Ferncookie. Blobbies don't have gender but in this story we don't know whether to put a he or she so don't mind the he or she stuff since Blobbies don't have gender. The world started when 8 fading Blobbies were born to rule. 4 of these Fading Blobbies became dark-hearted and decided they didn't want anyone to help them rule Blobbieworld. The 8 Fading Blobbies had a war between who should be ruler and at last, the good fading Blobbies won and cast the evil ones down into a horrible world, filled with darkness and no light at all. This is how it all began. 
These fading Blobbies-when they were cast down they were no longer known as Fading Blobbies but as the first Shadow Blobbies. They constantly created more and more dark Blobbies and once the whole Blobbieworld started, they attacked.

At first the Blobbies fought back nonstop from 1,000 Ab to 1,100 Ab but at last they couldn't fight back. So many Blobbies were destroyed and the Fading Blobbies prophesized that one day- 3 powerful eggs would be layed and would stop all these Shadows. 
Here is how the prophecy goes.
Shadows of night shall
    Swallow the day
   If not the Eggs of Balance
Are layed
   Clouds in the sky shall
    hold the night
     But fire and ice shall 
        bring the light
Many Blobbies had almost given up hope on the prophecy after being attacked for so many years but one Blobbie did not give up. In 1119 Ab a Blobbie named Snowycloud layed 3 eggs. One egg was a sky blue egg that had many clouds on it, another one was a river blue egg with churning waves and last- well it was hard to describe. It look liked crashing waves of fire churning and flames bursting around. The fiery look was so scary nobody dared to look at it.

The Blobbie Snowycloud looked at her eggs and immediately knew that these Blobs were the ones that were destined to save Blobbieworld. A Shadow Blobbie knew too and told all the other Shadow Blobbies.

All the horrible shadow Blobbies set upon terrible curses on Snowycloud and let her die painfully. After a while of thinking, a Shadow Blobbie said, "Let us separate these 3 prophecy eggs to the edge of the world since we cannot destroy them." And that is what they did.

1 year later, in 1120 Ab some cracking noises came from the sky blue egg. Crack, Crack. A healthy looking sky blue Blobbie with pink ears with deep blue eyes burst out and explored the world that it was in. It looked and wondered, looking for its bubby but a anemite appeared instead. 

3 more years later, in 1123 Ab earthquake noises came from the ocean blue egg. A water Blobbie with graceful orange eyes rose from the egg and ventured around staring at the new world it was in. It named herself Duskriver.

The anemite's name was Leafie. Leafie took care of the blue blobbie and named her Ferncookie. A group of shadow blobbies killed Leafie making Ferncookie alone. By the time she was 3, she was old enough to explore the world alone and looked around, gathering food and supplies to survive. 

3 extra years later a fiery explosion happened. A volcano came pouring out of the fiery egg and A tiny Blob with somehow fiery but calm, sea blue eyes rose fr
om the egg and glanced around, born with a fiery glowing knife in her wing bid. She first named herself Silvermoon. But she loved kimos, so she named herself Kimolet.
Story Version 2-Starting new

Ferncookie sat around and glanced around at her surroundings. The food she gathered wasn't going to just stay there-obviously someone might steal it! Right now she was six, old enough to run, bounce, talk and do pretty much everything. But as she began to sink her teeth into those mouth watering rare pieces of meat she had hunted, distant howling of the wind stopped her.
The wind continued to howl and a storm began to build. No, Ferncookie had just realized that this wasn't the wind. These were the legends, the shadows that had been freed from their imprisonment coming from the most terrifying tale a Blobbie could tell.
4, at least 4 shadows were attacking one Blobbling. The howl of cries pierced Ferncookies ears and the deadly claws of her last vision flashed in her mind. One Shadow had advanced and slid right behind Ferncookie and threw her into a crashing fall right on a stone. Ferncookie wailed in pain but that seemed to satisfy the Shadows. As if they wanted to see her pain and terror, they lashed out their claws and raked them across her eyes. Ferncookie was blind with pain as the only thing she could see were the flash of blood and claws across her face.  "Leave her. She's dead." Was she dead? Was this the feeling of being dead? The feeling of sorrow that swept over her again, now that Leafy was gone. Ferncookie missed Leafy. She had never known her mother, but Leafy was a mother to her. She had promised to herself that she would one day, avenge Leafy's death and defeat the spirit that had killed Leafy. Promise.
                                                 Story version 1- another 6 years later in 1132 Ab
Kimolet glanced around her surroundings. She was at least six years old and had survived this long along. Her stomach was starting to hurt from the lack of food. Food doesn't matter right now, she told herself. It sometimes got quite lonely and fending off against shadows, seeing those horrible, terrifying eyes that brought death in nightmares and not much food, didn't really help.

In frustration, she slammed into a tree which seemed to hurt the tree more than it hurt her. The tree cracked and fell down which left some berries which Kimolet gobbled up in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, she heard a cry of desperation and anger. She ran toward where the sound was coming from to a small branched tree. Below the tree, was a puffy Blob who looked like he had been through 400 cyrical accidents. The Blob was unconscious so Kimolet quickly raced off to grab some herbs.

She came back with bundles of Tellilsis- a herb that eases pain and fever. The Blob puffed out more and his eyes started to open. All the sudden, the Blob's eyes flew open in shock. They were sparkling green which did match his puffy reddish/pinkish fur.
The Blob squeaked, "Bubby? No! I don't want bubby!" as he tried to get up and stand.

"Well," Kimolet said sounding startled. There was no way she knew how to nurse a Blob- she was barely older than a Blob. "Horrifying dreams..." the Blob nummed sleepily. Kimolet didn't know the least bit about Blobs but she tried her best. "My name is-umm Kimolet but I hate being called that so my other name is Silvermoon but you can just call me Silver or you can call me Kimo-really I don't care. But please, I like Kimo."

The Blob let out a sigh and eyed Kimolet curiously with his sparkly green eyes. "What's your name?" Kimolet asked. The moment she said it, she regretted saying so. The Blob's eyes lost some of its sparkle and his expression turned daring and full of hatred. "I swwon neva to say dat again! My mommy hate me. My name... it's cursed."

Kimolet thought for a while and remembered an old legend. Cursed... cursed was the name, Asonight? Yes. In Blobbie dewlie language cursed was Asonight! How could a mother be so cruel to name her own Blob cursed?
After thinking for some time, Kimolet grabbed an airosight, the blossom of the Fading Blobbies. She layed it on Asonight and called, "Fading Blobbies! This Blob shall not have been cursed since he has done nofing wong!" The wind whispered back. "Then may he be blessed."

A small puffy circle formed around Asonight and as he recovered from his shock, his head puffed out more... like a circle... no wait like a muffin! "You shall be known as The Muffin Blob from now on." The wind whispered. No- that sounded more like a hiss but whatever! "Muffin? Are, are you alright?" Kimolet asked the Blob. The Blob now looked suddenly much more cheerful. "I am the Muffin Blob! The Muffin Blob, oh de Muffin Blob! Woo hoo!"

Kimolet sighed, feeling very relieved. "Muffin, you realize the Shadow Blobbies still attack. Often for some reason they track me, so if you don't mind, I don't have a house. I travel nonstop and learn how to fight." Unexpectedly, The Muffin Blob didn't seem disappointed at all. "Yay! We can travel and fight now!" Kimolet shifted uncomfortably. She knew that she was no doubt that most skillful Blobbie when it came to fighting or war.

"How about we learn some spells?" Kimolet nummed. The Muffin Blob cheerfully bounced over. Kimolet thought of a hard spell and cast it on to the ground. "Gather me rainbloom berries, bianumies and lelililas!" The Muffin Blob quickly obeyed and Kimolet took a deep breath, knowing this spell was a very hard one. She concentrated and blew on the mixture. The little leaves shattered like glass and burst into flames. She turned toward The Muffin Blob who was trying it for himself. As he took a deep breath, Kimolet expected him to fall over and stare in frustration. Somehow he spit on the leaves and they burst into a dancing green fire, one of the hardest spells!

     2nd story version across the world
Ferncookie lay on the grass, panting and gasping for air. She had bred with a Blobbie named Petalbreeze, and now she was having eggs. "They're coming! They're coming!" she gasped out loud. Petalbreeze looked at her nervously not knowing what to do. Suddenly, the pain smoothed down, leaving a pink egg. Soon the second came. It was river blue. Then, Ferncookie felt as if a knife were stabbing her. Another egg came. Then the pain softened again leaving another. That was the last.

Dangerously, unlike the fiery or calm type, one of the eggs was icy blue. Petalbreeze stared at it like it was evil. Frozen into the ground like something terrible were to happen. Ferncookie sighed. She looked over and to her shock, was another Blob.
"It is your blob. I saw it happen." Petalbreeze murmured. She knew that Blobbies couldn't give birth to a Blob straight, but she knew that this was her Blob. and she and her breedling would have to take care of it.

"I promise, though it will be hard," she swore to herself. "You, the berry pink one. Shall from this day on, I name you Berrycake." Nothing happened for a moment.
"And as a lubby I name the blue one Demling which means raindrop" Petalbreeze nummed. Then Ferncookie begin to panic, but calmed herself down by saying,
"From by the egg color you are, you shall be known as Silverice." She seemed to hear yowls and the panic rose again.

As if at the name of Silverice, 4 shadow Blobbies were advancing on her, gleaming sharp weapons ready, and were about to kill her. She gasped and Petalbreeze grabbed two eggs, leaving Ferncookie to get the blob and other egg. Ferncookie bounced off as quickly as she could. Petalbreeze would have normally used his bow and arrows, but he had to carry the blobs leaving his paws full. Ferncookie felt thunder strike her and a flash of claws near her eye, but she felt no pain. She could feel her left eye tearing up with blood and a Shadow pounced on her.

At first, she couldn't do anything but struggle. "Death!" The Shadow snarled and began and dig its claws very deep into her fur. "Stay AWAY from us!" Ferncookie somehow found the strength and rose with her teeth and sank her fangs into the Shadow Blobbie. Another Shadow Blobbie rose and raised its claws and swiped deep into her eye.
  1st story version
Kimolet heard battle cries again and sighed. These Shadow Blobbies were starting to annoy her. They attacked every week at least twice knowing that they would be sliced to pieces. The Muffin Blob yelped in terror and Kimolet said soothingly, "It's fine. Stay behind me and I'll take care of this easily." There was no need to lie about that; Kimolet could fight off a thousand Shadow Blobbies if she was angry enough.

Hundreds of Shadow Blobbies approached and Kimolet rolled her eyes. The first one leaped at her and easily as could be, she sidestepped, grabbed a piece of stone and ripped it through his back. Grabbing her blade, she whipped around, grabbing her wing bid, flew through the air, flipping and dodging strikes and as easy as could be, swung her blade around lifting her head to avoid a Shadow, killed 6 Shadow Blobbies in a second. 4 more advanced and all leaped at her. Shadow travel was easy enough as Kimolet threw herself straight into the opening of the Shadow Blobbies and stabbed them all on the back with her blade.

10 Shadows down, a couple hundred more to go. Suddenly, she heard Muffin chanting a spell and to her great surprise, it was a spell she had never heard before! 2 Shadow Blobbies vaporized immediately and Kimolet breathed at giant blasts of skyfire, disintegrating a few more. She blew venom at one, toppled another one over, ducked and slashed which was her life training and soon, all of the Shadow Blobbies were dead.

Clapping her head into a tree, Kimolet announced, "Well, that was good training!" Muffin was staring at her in shock, mouth open. "You just, with a sword...slashed...killed-" "Yeah, pretty much, I'm used to that" Kimolet replied. One more dizzy Shadow Blobbie held a sword up and Kimolet frowned. She grabbed the blade and reversed it on him which no problem, that Shadow died instantly.

"What I'm most surprised about are those spells! You did an amazing job on that!" Kimolet exclaimed. Muffin looked down, looking surprised and guilty. "I sort of used...a Thorn death berry to do that spell..." Kimolet's enthusiasm faded but she was still impressed. "You used a Thorn death fruit! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Muffin bounced up and said, "I made that spell up!" Kimolet forgot all her anger and happily said, "Well, let me see it again!"
2nd story version across the word- a year later 1133 Ab "No Silverice! For the last time, you cannot eat your Blobbipuff," Ferncookie nummed, sounding a bit impatient. "But Demling said I could!" Ferncookie sighed and thought to herself, Blobs can seriously be a paw full, but they are so fun! She could tell Petalbreeze felt the same. "And Demling, where did Mel go?" Demling shifted uncomfortably. "No... NO MEL!" Ferncookie said, with a panic expression on her face.

"I was just playing with her, and I sort of..." Berrycake nummed quietly. "Sort of did what!" Petalbreeze demanded. No, this couldn't be happening. Mel, couldn't leave or die. "I... did..." Berrycake said uncomfortably. "Did what!" Ferncookie yelled.
"Dared her to go find a Shadow Blobbie."

"YOU DID WHAT!" Ferncookie screamed. Petalbreeze fainted. "There's a possibility Mel is still alive," Silverice said hopefully. There is a chance, Ferncookie told herself. No, it wasn't possible. Nobody could've stood a chance, one Blobbie against a Shadow Blobbie. Deep down in her heart she knew that Mel was gone for good.

"No..." Ferncookie sobbed. A small hope lit up in her heart when she heard rustling in the bushes. "Berrycake and Demling! Go and search in the bushes to see if Mel is there! Silverice, I know you're good at fighting so search for Shadow Blobbies. I'll be with you just in case.

Silverice and Ferncookie bounced along, and Petalbreeze followed them. They were looking under a tree when Ferncookie whipped around, hearing Shadows and snarls. 2 Shadows leaped at them, purring, "Perfect!" and Ferncookie yelped in terror. 2 of the Shadow Blobbies only aimed for her though, Silverice was virtually unharmed and the Shadow Blobbies didn't even seem to bother attacking him. He just stood in shock as Ferncookie struggled against the weight that was pinning her down.

She yowled and kicked but one Shadow slipped behind her head and knocked her extremely hard on the ground. She heard arrows shooting which were probably from Petalbreeze. The second Shadow threw her high up into the air, sending her flying, 4 feet high, and when she came down, they leaped at her which sent her sprawling and smashed into a tree. Ferncookie groaned and another Shadow, rushed over, slashing at her face.

Suddenly, more yelps came and Berrycake and Demling came rushing to the rescue. Berrycake was unlucky though, and One Shadow Blobbie heard her and whipped around throwing a knife straight at her. Ferncookie didn't know what happened next but she cried out, "Berrycake!" Her Blobs were dying against 2 Shadows. She was already horribly wounded and was in no shape to help her. Petalbreeze's bow was broken from a hurling knife. It seemed like they were done for.

Suddenly, a amlet came crashing into the woods, and knocked the Shadows out. The two Shadows melted in front of their eyes and Ferncookie panted in pain. The amlet purred and cuddled around in the ferns with its sharp wings and teeth. Ferncookie was to gracious to say anything. "Well, thanks for saving my Blobs and..." The amlet gave her a giant lick. Silverice bounced in excitement, despite he had no wounds which made Ferncookie suspicious.

"Let's name it Sky!"
"No, name it Cloudy."
"How about Death teeth?"
Ferncookie rolled her eyes and said, "I think Sky should be a good name." The amlet shuddered and Ferncookie realized it was hungry. Fortunately, Demling understood and gave it a small Rainbloom. The amlet purred and cuddled affectionately. Ferncookie sighed in relief. It was only thanks to this amlet that the Shadows had gone. She would have to repay that offer.

   1st story version, 2 months later 
"Alright Muffin! Let's see that move I told you to practice!" It had been several weeks, 6 years to keep track of for Kimolet. Muffin plastered up a wall and jumped, swerving just like Kimolet told him to. "Good!" Muffin sighed. "What's wrong?"
"I liked spells better."
"Then why didn't you tell me? There isn't any problem with doing-"

A blood shrieking cry pierced their training. Kimolet forgot all about Muffin and Muffin seemed to forget about his problems too. There, in a lake, layed a beautiful Blobbie, a yumi Blobbie with crystal ice eyes. She had wounds all over. "Get me the healing spell!"  Kimolet said in panic trying to sound calm. Muffin didn't answer, since his answer was to grab the herbs and make the healing spell.

They dipped the spell into the unconscious silver Blob and she let out a breath of relief. "Silver..." The Blob said. "Silver stars, waterfall." Muffin and Kimolet locked eyes and knew what they had to do. This mother had either been to weak or killed to take care of her Blob, or had abandoned it, like what happened to Muffin. "Well? Let's heal it," Muffin said bitterly, remembering his troubles and how his bubby abandoned him.
                                                      3rd story version                                                
The Blob woke and suddenly hissed out. 2 other Blobbies stared at her, looking worried with painful expressions on their faces. The memories flashed back, though she still remembered the night to Silver falls. There were like, 10 Shadow Blobbies! The hundred Blobbies didn't stand a chance. "Who are..." She sat up groggily. "You were muttering about Silver falls in your sleep," one of the Blobbies said kindly. "Here, I'm Kimo and this is The Muffin Blob. Who are you?"
"I...I'm... I'm I'm not sure."
Kimo smiled as if she had seen this before.
"Then you will be known as Silverfall from now on."
Silverfall sat up and shook her head. Lake water splattered everywhere and her pelt was soaked. "My Bubby!" she wailed. "No," Muffin nummed as if he had been through this before. Kimo took her wing and said, "You will be safe here. I'm almost a Blobbie now and I'm, no doubt the best fighter in the whole entire Blobbieworld."
"It's true!" Muffin exclaimed. "I didn't believe it at first but I saw with my own eyes, she thought it was stupid that a couple hundred Shadow Blobbies attacked and she beat them all in less than a couple minutes!" Silverfall's mouth fell open in total shock. "She beat a hundred Shadows in a minute?" "Probably 400 but whatever," Muffin shrugged and replied. Silverfall  gasped and said, "Then how come 100 Blobbies couldn't stand a chance against 9 Shadow Blobbies?" "She's a great fighter! Let me show you where we-" Muffin's voice faltered. "Sorry, since Shadows constantly attack, We have to move. We don't have a home."
"Then... didn't you say Kimo could beat them all up?" Silverfall said confused.
"Yeah, obviously she could survive. They attack in hundreds or usually thousands. Kimo would be alive obviously but by the time she has killed them all, I would be dead."
    1st story version
" aren't good at fighting?" Silverfall clamped her mouth shut. Muffin narrowed his eyes but at once became cheerful again. A confused look flashed on Kimolet's face and she fell but sat up. A voice seemed to call to her. Kimo! It sounded so familiar. She had never heard it but somehow she recognized the voice. It was long and lost, like a family member that you had never met."Just... a vision. Nothing unusual," Kimolet lied.  The voice sounded again and cried out, Kimo! The voice was so familiar! It seemed from long I heard it many times but before I was born. Wait, how can I hear a voice and recognize it even if I never heard it? Kimolet thought.

"So... where are you going to stay and what're you going to do now?" Kimolet asked Silverfall, who was licking a wing with blood on it. "I guess... can I stay for a while maybe?"
"You can stay as long as you want," Kimolet murmured.

Silverfall seemed pleased by this.  She tried to sit up but Muffin offered her a spell. Silverfall drank it and most of her wounds seemed to heal. "Silverfall, let's get you to our little, shelter. It might be a bit not too pleasant but who cares?" Kimolet offered.

They walked to a small branched thorn house. The door was thorns and brambles that tangled the way and Kimolet, Muffin and Silverfall made it in when Kimolet swiped through the brambles. The walls were silk layers of vines and trees that overtime grew together and made a wall. Vines and leaves hung from the ceiling making Kimolet laugh at Silverfall's expression. The vines were white and green with small yellow leaves attached to them that hang like strings from a Snowy Day tree. The Everglade leaves were firm and strong after a hundred years of being stuck through the edges of the trees, making strong and steady walls.

Silverfall went to sleep in Muffin's cozy waternumi leaf bed.
1 year later,1134 Ab Kimolet woke up, to the dry breezes from the cold air. The winter had treated them harshly which left them hungry most of the time and the breezes swept across her fur making her hiss in resentence. Nobody would dare be outside in such a cold day like this, Kimolet thought, though she was going outside to do some battle training.

But someone always vanquished her thoughts, as a shriek echoed from the distance. Muffin and Silverfall immediately ran protectively to Kimolet's side. She echoed the cry telling them what to do. They raced forward protectively and found themselves face to face with a Blob that looked no more older than 3. The Blob screeched and fought and cried, "Bubby!"
Kimolet found herself half strangled by Muffin, Silverfall and this Blob tumbling over her.

"You stupid Blob, what in the shad are you doing here!" Silverfall announced angrily as if this Blob were wasting her time. "Go and find your own Bubby, this is owwer Bubby! Go get your own Bubby, idiot!" The Blob replied, "Nobody messes with Milkysky you wrinkle face!"
"You're the wrinkle face!" Silverfall retorted.
"You're an ugly wrinkle face!"
"You're a wrinkled dog face!"
"You're a wrinkled soccer face!"
"You're so wrinkly, when your bubby found you, he thought you were a potato salad!"
"You're so wrinkly, when your bubby found you, the thought you were a Jonathan!"

Anger gleamed in Silverfall's eyes and Milkysky looked ready enough to kill a Shadow. Silverfall brought out Kimolet's sword and she yelled, "Enough with you two! Silverfall, I'm extremely disappointed in you. You should've known much better than to be so rude! Milkysky, I'm not your bubby right now but don't insult Silverfall! Both of you are not wrinkly so cut it out!"

A rustle appeared in the distance and a green Blob with blue eyes hopped out. "Hi, my name is Mel, I think and I forgot where I am! Can you find my bubby again?"
Kimo slapped herself and replied, "I'm so sorry, but I'm busy sort of. You can stay with us for a small time but I haven't got the slightest idea who your bubby is. Sorry." The Blob who's name could've been Mel, slanted and looked stubbornly at Muffin. Muffin looked back at Mel and quickly glanced away.

"Milkysky, if you want to, you can stay with us... as long as you don't mind Silverfall," Kimolet nummed and Milkysky looked up for a minute. "Alright..." "As long as you stay out of my business, you wrinkled dog poo!" Silverfall butted in and huffed. Milkysky spit at Silverfall and she shrieked. Milkysky huffed. "Wrinkled smelly dog poo!"
"Enough!" Kimolet yelled and the snow exploded sending a blast of wind that knocked Milkysky and Silverfall apart. They both stared and their eyes hardened with anger.

Kimolet ignored the angry looks on their faces and said, "Come on, we better get inside since it's such a cold weather." Silverfall shot one last angry look at Milkysky and the four of them bounced inside.

Inside, the fire was warm and Muffin had gathered many sticks to keep the flames up and going. The branches for the house were still strapped which kept them all warm. The log and leafy table was as sturdy as ever and Muffin hopped onto her bed quietly. Kimolet and Silverfall grabbed moss and puffs to make Milkysky's bed since he was staying for the night. Milkysky cuddled at the warmth and Kimolet heard battle screeches from shadows outside.

She sighed. Oh, Fading ones, how long is this war going to rage on? Kimolet, unwanting to wake her Blobs grabbed her deadly Silverling blade and ran toward outside where the shadows waited for her and she attacked them.

         2nd story version- 2 year later in 1136 Ab
The a hundred year war had treated Ferncookie harshly and she panted as they ran through the snow, away from the shadow Blobbies. The Blobs, trailed behind her, panting too and a shadow silicon leaped at her. Silverice, she knew was a very good fighter and without doubt, Silverice leapt at the Silicon, and tussled it, shredding it with his sharp bared fangs. Petalbreeze only had his claws and teeth left to fight. He leaped onto the shadow silicon. More Shadow silicons leapt at them and Ferncookie knew even Silverice  and Petalbreeze combined couldn't hold them off for long.

Desperate with worry, she and her Blobs raced through a opening in a cave. The silicons though, scented them and flew after them. Ferncookie's breath slowed and she knew this was a hopeless battle. To live longer, they slid under a bush and prayed for the best. Berrycake was shuffling and panting.

Then she saw Petalbreeze clawing the silicon. The silicon leaped onto him and gave him a sharp bite. Then Petalbreeze bounced into the cave covered in wounds.
"Ferncookie, goo-" But before he could finish his sentence, he fell to the ground dead. "Petalbreeze" screamed Ferncookie. Berrycake cried quietly. Demling wailed. Silverice simply prayed him to Star Blobbieworld.

A silicon leapt at her and as she waited for instant death, the silicon disintegrated. The other silicons looked around in confusion and they all fell to the ground instantly, dead.

1st story version
"It was all thanks to me!" Silverfall boasted and Milkysky retorted, "You're nothing but a wrinkly orange!" Before the either of them could say anything, Kimolet reached her wing out to the Blobbie that she had just saved. "Thanks," the Blobbie said. This Blobbie looked about 6 years older than her, and was badly scratched up and looked terrified from the attack of silicons. More rustling in the bushes popped and 3 little Blobs popped up. Silverfall gapped her mouth and looked away quickly, blushing at one that looked a lot like her; icy blue eyes and a silver pelt.

"Here, those silicons seem to never go away," Kimolet joked and the Blobs climbed out of the little bush. The Blobbie brushed off the signs of running and said, "Thanks, you saved my life and my blob's lives. But-" She looked at a dark blue Blobbie with a leaf on his head. Kimo realized he was dead. "Sorry, I wasn't in time for that one. At least I saved you and your Blobs right? I'm usually off saving Blobbies and killing thousands of shadows. It's easier than eating a pie." The Blobbie's mouth fell open. "So... what's your name?" Kimolet asked. The Blobbie piped up and her Blobs all said their names.
"Mine's Ferncookie. What's yours?" Ferncookie nummed and bounced up at Kimolet. "I'm Kimo, and nice name Ferncookie. Can't say your name doesn't sound familiar."

To her words, Ferncookie eyed Kimolet closely. "No, your name is Kimolet. Somehow I can tell who you are. You just seem so... familiar like I met you long ago." Kimolet gasped and shut her mouth. "How'd you know? And also...your name seems so familiar but I just can't remember it." Kimolet wasn't lying right now. She knew this voice-Ferncookie's voice was exactly the same voice she had heard in her vision when she met Silverfall.
"I'm Silverice!" One Blob piped up. Silverfall looked up and graciously she asked curiously, "That's so cool! My name is Silverfall so how'd you get your name? Mine was from my pelt!"
"Same here!" Silverice exclaimed. Kimolet let out a purr to see them getting along.

"You look like me! Do you like playing head ball?"
"Yeah! That's so cool, we're like twins. Head ball is the awesome game of the universe!"
"What's your favorite color!"
"Same here!" Kimolet and Ferncookie let out nums of delight. "They'll get along-no problem famously," Ferncookie observed. "They seem to be good friends already," Kimolet laughed and said. A small warmth that Kimolet had never felt before crept up to her heart. Ferncookie seemed to be the same way and stopped laughing. The warm feeling reached her head and eyes until Ferncookie couldn't stand it. Her eyes burst blue, and the most familiar sensation had reached her.

Ferncookie had blue eyes, just like Kimolet's long lost mother. Kimolet had never met her mother, but she knew that this was her long, never-met sister.

    Story version 2

The sensation hit Ferncookie and she realized probably the same thing that Kimolet did. This was her Blobbipuff. She had never met Kimo but they both knew it on instant. Meanwhile, Silverfall was bouncing on Silverice's head and they were competing on who could jump the highest. A light breeze ruffled her fur and she caught Kimo's eye. "Where's our other Blobbipuff," Ferncookie asked. The breeze seemed to get colder but Kimo didn't seem to notice. "Ferncookie, all I can remember is that she's dead. I used to think..." Kimo stopped and Ferncookie thought all the way back to her mind.

       Story version 3-Silverfall POV.
Silverice was so funny! I have to say, I wish that Silverice were my sibling. He's so much better than Milkysky and well, Muffin is nice but just not my style! I just heard so much about his attack from the silicons when my bubby, Kimo whispered to me, "He's your cousin!" That jolted me of course. Silverice was my cousin? I had no idea this Ferncookie whatsoever was Kimo's Blobbipuff and of course, Silverice stopped telling his story. "You're my cousin?" Silverice squeaked in surprise. It came out again and Silverice jumped up and down so happily that I thought he would fall off or something.

"Silverice, have you ever seen a Stripey? They look so weird in summertime during Lemishine!" I piped up. Silverice bounced up and nummed, "Yeah! They look so funny! The spikes all poufy and the eyes all wide. They look just like Milkysky!" Silverice joked. I laughed. Milkysky was the stupidest Blob ever! He was always into my business and all and Silverice was the only one that seemed to understand that.

Ok, I never meant to say this but Silverice is SORT OF cute in a good way. Why am I thinking of this? Besides, I'm too young to think about breedlings and Blobs though I could just be Silverice's good friends until... yeah, about 3 years later.

Anyways we were talking when that Milky face interrupted us so rudely! "Looks like woo finally found a friend, wrinkle face!" I shot back at here angrily, "You're the wrinkle face." Silverice was steaming and glared at Milkysky and said, "You're so wrinkled, Kimo probably thought you were a wrinkly dog poo!" Milkysky fired back another shrieking wrinkle comment.
"You're a wrinkled unicorn, bicycle, Santa Claus, poopy face!" Milkysky shouted.
Silverice jumped up to defend me thank him. "You're the wrinkly one!" he shouted.
I stood up with my wings flapped open, trying to terrify Milkysky. Milkysky glared back boldly.

"Wrinkle face!""Wrinkle snot!"
"Wrinkled yellow princess daddy penguin!"
"Bubby, Kimo, Milkysky called me a princess daddy penguin!" I wailed. I cried and cried until Kimo came racing over and looked at Milkysky. "Milkysky! I'm surprised that even you would call your Blobbipuff something so mean!" Milkysky sulked and nodded. "I think that was very mean to do. You can go to that grass pond and think about what you just called Silverfall until you learn to be nice. Once we find a proper home, sit in your room until you can say sorry!" Kimo nummed angrily and nodded off to Milkysky. Milkysky sulked miserably to the pond when another Blob with a pink berry on his head joined her.

Silverice turned toward me when Kimo left. "It's fine silvery! Besides, at least we both are silvers! And you aren't a princess daddy penguin, no worries!" I looked up and smiled. "Let's see who can bounce the highest." I challenged Silverice who had already began leaping in the air.

        1st story version-4 months later 

Kimolet was getting tired of the bickering between Milkysky and Silverfall. At least Silverfall seemed to be really good numlings with Silverice and Milkysky seemed to get along with the Blob named Berrycake. She heard as Ferncookie, her sister splatted some food that Kimolet had recently hunted and picked. Ferncookie sliced them up and turned toward Kimolet and asked, "Can you give these to the Blobs? I have to collect herbs." Kimolet nodded and grabbed the food and raced off toward where the Blobs where. Recently they had made many dens for all of the Blobbies, Blobblings and Blobs. Blobbos, if they were there, Kimolet and Ferncookie would've made them a den too. It seemed strange that Kimolet was 6 years younger than her Blobbipuff.

She passed out the fruits and meat turning toward all the Blobs. "This one is for you, Demling and Silverice, you get this lumling fruit, and Silverfall you get the-" Kimolet was interrupted by Milkysky shouting, "No! I want that one. No fair you get that one!" Kimolet was just about to protest she hadn't even decided which one to give Silverfall when Silverfall replied, "Oh yeah? Prove it, wrinkle face!" "Then you have to prove why you're so wrinkly just like Barney!" Kimolet shouldered her way in and nummed soothingly toward both who were steaming with anger, "None of you are wrinkly. You're all fluffy and fuzzy, not wrinkled!"

Before Kimolet could say anything, her Blobs started shouting into a fight again. This was all over one-not even decided fruit! "You shut up. Your mommy looks like a poop!" Milkysky insulted. Kimolet couldn't stand it and she cleared her throat. "Excuse me?" Milkysky had forgotten that Kimolet was her and Silverfall's bubby. If she said something bad to Silverfall's bubby, she was insulting her own. Milkysky lowered her head and replied grudgingly, "Sowwy." Silverice leaped into Milkysky's face in a minute and snapped, "Learn to be more careful next time!" Berrycake got up and defended Milkysky, "At least she isn't a unicorn like you are!" In that swirl, the fighting broke out again.

"You are such a ugly wrinkle face!" "You're the wrinkle face!" "Why do you look like a unicorn huh? Oh, maybe because woo is a ugly poopy!" "You're just as bad as a unicorn!" "You're just as bad as a dog!" "You're just as bad as a taco!" "You're just as bad as a shadow!"
Silence on the word shadow.

Kimolet couldn't believe her wings. The rage that she had been holding inside, the containing anger burst out and she screeched, "HOW LONG WILL YOU ACT LIKE THIS!" and everyone stopped. A giant blast of wind and fire ripped through the columns and the wind and fire combined to a tornado. The fiery blast rippled through the entire world and waves of shock surrounded all the Blobbies, Blobbos, Blobblings and Blobs here while the radioactive shock spread and blasted everyone. The twister of fire and wind spun, shaking and out came shadows.

A dozen shadows came out and Kimolet knew she had created this, though she did not regret hurting her Blobs. While the 12 shadows leaped at her, she created another cosmic blast, sending out her anger against the shadows, instead of her family. The blast of energy splashed and swayed around the shadows and they disintegrated. Kimolet let out a deep breath, expecting all the Blobs to be shocked.
They were.
Except Silverice who was heaving and looked surprised but happy. He was squealing and jumping up and down and yelled, "Kimo, you got to teach my that one day! Please! Happy please with a rainbloom berry on top!" Kimolet turned around, surprised by this reaction to the cosmic wave of fire and wind. Silverfall was now bouncing with Silverice happily reacting to him and together they shouted.
"Please, says the silvers! We say please says the Silvers! If you teach us that we will practice flying more often. And climbing and much more. Please, says the silvers!"

"Blobs, this is something you can't learn. I'm sorry but...this is something only a special... and powerful Blobbie can do?" Kimolet said. She didn't mean to say these words but it was forced out of her mouth. Special and powerful? Where did those things come out of. "Well... I'm sorry but you might never learn this. The only Blobbie besides the fading Blobbies that can do this is... me." Kimolet heard Silverice groan and Silverfall squeak in disappointment together. Milkysky laughed and shut herself up quietly when Kimolet shot her a look. Oh, Fading ones, what can I do if I can't control my own power!
      Story version 2, Ferncookies POV- 5 weeks later 
I have to say, I didn't hear the cosmic explosion. Sorry, no luck. Probably the whole entire Blobbieworld could see that powerful blast that Kimo created. I can't blame her though; Silverfall and Milkysky, her Blobs are driving me nuts too. If only there was a better way. My blob Silverice seems to get along really well with Silverfall. Only if he could learn to not beg Kimo all day  about teaching him battle moves. I know that nobody can fight better than Kimo. The Fading Blobbies might have more power over everything but I have to say, if it came to a fair match, not even the four of those Fading Blobbies could beat Kimo-not to be disrespectful. Why do I feel like Kimo always have more power than the Fading Blobbies?

I watched as all the Blobbies bounced back from gathering. Muffin had gone on a Berry hunt. Every month, Muffin would go out for the entire day to gather tons of fruits for a feast, just to celebrate us living. We were lucky to be alive, thanks to Kimo, we survived all shadow attacks. Other Blobbies, it hurts to say but never survive. Recently, since my Blob which seems strange that my Blobs are all only one year younger than Kimo. Kimo was teaching Silverice battle moves in the corner.
"No, you must leap under  your enemy. They aim for where they think you will go. You must track the weirdest place to be and slide under them. Once you have that perfect angle, grab the knife and twist them." Silverice twirled around under Kimo and lunged at her. "Like this?" he prompted. Kimo nodded and gave a wings up and smiled. Silverice bounced happily and slid under Kimo again, and lunged. Silverfall, was just nearby watching and shouting, "Good job Silverice! Keep it up. You're doing awesome!"

I roasted the venomi that Muffin had so generously picked for me yesterday. It had the perfect taste and scent. The fresh aroma spread across the place and Silverfall sniffed. She breathed in the scent and called to Silverice and Kimo, "Bubby and Silverice, the food is ready!" Kimo lifted her wings in the air and called to Silverice, "Great job! And this food today, smells delicious. I wonder what weird fruits Muffin picked for us today." The joy of seeing the entire family together made me feel strange-but in a good way.

All of the Blobbies jumped on their everglade leaf/vine seats and began chomping and devouring their foods in hungry bites. I could always learn to cook well. Though cooking wasn't going to help us survive the shadow Blobbies, it would always cheer the Blobbies up. The last Blob to arrive was Muffin who had a giant basket on top and was stumbling to hold all the food he harvested. "Hey, Muffin! That seems like an amazing basket. Why don't you come and take a small break. You've really worked yourself hard!"

I grabbed my serplate made of those hard little leaves. Those leaves did come in handy. Silverice was panting from his nice hard training session with Kimo but she seemed as calm as could be. She cut the venomi into pieces and the boiling, steaming but filled with flavor piece of food made her mouth water.

Kimos eyes moved like slits. For one moment, they were ocean blue and the next seemed full of hostility. The ocean blue eyes soon were burning and churning with luminous flames. The flames didn't seem like fire though, more like a deadly yellow moon, which brought bad luck. I had no idea why I was thinking so deep into this! Who was she thinking about anyways?

Story version 1

The blue moon lit up the sky and a cold breeze swept over the camp. The fire seemed to dim in the hollow sky, while the sun refused to rise. Kimo couldn't understand the world. The Fading ones seemed to push away the idea of Blobbies wailing in agony as they were killed as if it were a small problem. The stars did nothing to help them when shadows attacked, which showed that they couldn't care less. The shadows seemed to delight when an innocent life was destroyed. And the deep dark spirits were determined to remove life in Blobbieworld.

"Kimo!" Silverice's usual happy voice came crashing into her thoughts and wiping out the sadness that lingered in her mind. "Kimo! That was so fun! Next time, can we learn how to snowdrift into the sky, or, or we can learn the back slide stab." Kimo found herself looking at the warm eyes of Silverice. "Don't you need time to give your mentor a rest?" she purred. Silverice hopped around excitedly, with Silverfall following him restlessly. "Let's go eat!" Silverfall begged and Silverice followed her as they bounced toward the leaf pads where the delicious smell of venomi and maple cake was steamed.

The wood oven was opened and muffin took his chef hat off. Silverice was first to the table and took a bite of the Venomi. "Mmmm," he nummed. Kimo smiled as Ferncookie scholded him for being a bad Blob and that Blobs should never eat first. Muffin shook it off and Kimo put some on her Everglade leaf pad. To be honest, she couldn't blame Silverice. It many words to describe... wonderful, delicious, irresistible and mouthwatering.

Depression. Sometimes, Kimo wondered why she and her family weren't depressed. Shadows attacked. It's the same routine everyday. Everyone is dying. We never have enough to eat. The responsibilities Ferncookie and Kimo are carrying are heavier than boulders. Why weren't they depressed? Because, living the life, the happiest you could, in the time where you even have a chance to live...why not take advantage of life and be HAPPY? The Blobs had responsibility too. Muffin took care of food, herbs and healing. Silverice fought along with Kimo, as she trained him. Milkysky gathered cedar, twigs and leaves to make shelter and Demling along with Silverfall and Berrycake took responsibility of hunting.

After dinner, Silverice turned to Silverfall. "How about a walk?" Silverfall bounced  happily. "That would be AWESOME!" Silverice had matured some while still having to deal with Silverfall as a Blob. 9 year old Kimo had raised Muffin, Silverfall and Milkysky who were now 6, 5 and 5.

Story version 3, Silverfall's POV "Amazing what can happen in a month, isn't it? Look at all those trees! Aren't the flowers pretty?" Silverice laughed and bounced across the stepping stones through the river. I jumped around in the flowers and landed "SPLOOSH!' "Seriously?" I mumbled through the muddy water. Silverice gave that shining cute smile and said, "Betcha can't catch me!" I gave a evil fake laugh and splashed my way toward him. Silverice bounced away quickly at lightning speed. Ugh. Why am I the slow one? Oh well. "Hey, that's unfair! Come on! You're like a whole YEAR older so you're faster!" Silverice half yelled, half laughed back, "Too bad for you!" Frustrated, I chased him all the way until he was completely out of breath and pounced right on him. Ha. I have more endurance. Silverice panted and said, "Nice one. You win this time." I smiled and ran off into the wild bushes. "Hey, uhhhh I don't think you should go there. That's the unknown place. Blobs aren't supposed to run too much out of camp!" Silverice called after me. I ignored the thought and bounced even faster through the tangled vines.

It all happened so fast. Like in a flash. BOOM. In a flash, I remembered the venomous hideous creature right in front of my eyes, about to drain away my life. The next flash, Silverice was right in front of me and the hideous thing had already leapt. The next flash, Silverice had a huge tear in his forehead, me screaming for Kimo.

Sorrow swept over my mind. Grief hung straight through me. I was so full of panic and sorrow I didn't even know what to do. Maybe I should just do nothing. Nothing would keep the sorrow, grief and panic straight at the bottom of me. So for the next minute, I did nothing except stare. My hopes that all this terror would stay at the bottom of me shattered. Soon they had risen to the took, and I was wailing, screaming and crying. Grief crashed down like a giant bouncing tree. Kimo and Ferncookie rushed through the trees. I barely even saw it. Everything was a blur of tears to me.

Ferncookie stared quietly. "What, is it bad?" Kimo said quietly. "Not just bad...I'm afraid it's the worst. I'm also afraid...that...there's nothing we can do." Just pray that he lets go painlessly and quick.
"PAINLESSLY AND QUICK? DO SOMETHING!!! YOU CALL YOURSELF A MEDICINE BLOBBIE? YOU'RE THE WORST SHADOW CURSED BID THAT'S EVER EXISTED!" I screamed. Soon, it was just too much grief and I couldn't even scream anymore. It all just crashed down and all I could do was cry. Muffin put a burying leaf under Silverice's shuddering body and soon it went limp.

They went away. They let me cry for a few minutes before trying to comfort me. But comforting wouldn't work. Oh why? This was my fault! I wish I had died instead of Silverice...and I had known him for 3 years. But despite that short distance, he was the best friend you could've possibly asked for.
Milkysky came tumbling out of the bushes. "So it looks like the wrinkle face is-"
Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at the limp body of Silverice. "Silverfall, I'm so sorry!" I managed a croak. "This isn't your fault. Go away." "At least he's going to be a star for sure." I shook my head and said, "I wanted him to be alive. With me." Milkysky said, "At least Berrycake is alive! We can play with her." I replied stubbornly, "I don't know Berrycake like you do. Go away." Finally, Milkysky said that one thing to comfort me. It was the only thing that could possibly comfort me the littlest bit and only it could be her that said that. Not forced. But wanting to. "At least I'm still a wrinkle face." Slowly, the first time since Silverice died, the corners of my mouth went up. A smile. "That's the first thing you said right in your entire life."
"Hey!" And the sun was setting.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Also, can you get rid of the robot thing on this page?
